Addiction Terms Glossary Definitions Of Addiction Treatment Terminology

An individual’s tolerance for one drug results in their lessened response to another, typically in the same class of substances (e.g., alcohol, benzodiazepines), but may be observed across different classes of substances as well (e.g., alcohol, opioids). Performing an act persistently and repetitively even in the absence of reward or pleasure. Compulsive behavior is often enacted to avoid or reduce the unpleasant experience of negative emotion or physical symptoms (e.g., anxiety, withdrawal from a substance).

Disease Model

There is typically a greater sensitivity to stress and lowered sensitivity to reward that makes continued recovery challenging. As part of a larger treatment plan, peer providers offer valuable guidance and connection to individuals in recovery through the process of sharing their own experiences in recovery from substance use disorder. An injection of a medication that is intended to gradually disperse its therapeutic contents into the human body over a number of weeks. In the case of substance use disorders (e.g., opioid or alcohol use disorder), this can reduce problems with medication adherence as medications are more typically taken on a daily schedule and orally. Consequently, depot injections (e.g., naltrexone or buprenorphine) can extend the therapeutic potential of medications where compliance is a concern.

Behavioral Disorder Counselor

Proposed by Richard Jessor in 1991, Problem Behavior Theory is a conceptual framework that examines factors leading to adolescent substance use. The theory proposes that behavior is tied to goals, and adolescent substance use results when a teen holds goals and values that are unconventional or do not align with typical social values of society. A contradictory scenario whereby the majority of cases of substance-related harm come from a population at low or moderate risk of addiction, while only a minority of cases come from the population who are at high risk of substance-related harm. Confirmation of coverage by the insurance company for a service or product before receiving the service or product from the medical provider.

  • The duration of detox varies from person to person and depends on various factors such as the type of substance used, the length and severity of addiction, and individual factors.
  • The intimidation of a victim to compel the individual to act against his or her will by the use of psychological pressure, physical force, or threats.
  • A behavioral health disorder characterized by over-dependence on the thrill received from an activity such as shopping, gambling, eating, or sex.
  • The highest risk for recurrence of substance use disorder symptoms occurs during the first 90 days following the initial intervention.
  • Confirmation of coverage by the insurance company for a service or product before receiving the service or product from the medical provider.

Prescription opioid use disorder

Each role plays a unique part in the multifaceted approach to addiction treatment and recovery. Professionals entering the field of addiction studies and counseling must meet comprehensive academic and training standards, which vary significantly depending on the specific certification or licensure pursued. For many credentials, such as the master addiction counselor (MAC) or the nicotine dependence specialist (NDS), a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a relevant field is typically necessary. These programs must include specific coursework related to substance use disorders, ethics, and often training on HIV and other pathogens​. In the field of addiction services, various roles and responsibilities cater to the multifaceted needs of individuals seeking recovery. One crucial role is that of the case manager or care coordinator, who helps engage clients with necessary clinical and community services.

addiction recovery terms

Recovery Support Systems

addiction recovery terms

Even people with severe and chronic substance use disorders can, with help, overcome their illness and regain health and social function. Being in recovery is when those positive changes and values become part of a voluntarily adopted lifestyle. The scope of addiction studies jobs reveals a range of roles suited to various interests and skill sets, from clinical work to research and policy development.

  • Over time, pursuit of the pleasurable effects of the substance or behavior may dominate an individual’s activities.
  • Common examples include LSD (“acid”) and psilocybin (“magic mushrooms”).
  • Because setbacks are a natural part of life, resilience becomes a key component of recovery.
  • Government guidelines on the control and regulation of alcohol and other drugs considered dangerous, particularly those with addictive qualities.
  • By surrounding oneself with individuals who prioritize sobriety and recovery, the risk of relapse can be mitigated.

What are common types of therapy for drug addiction?

  • The longer you are in recovery, the more you will come to understand the common language used within the recovery world.
  • To help you comprehend some of the more common phrases and words used in addiction recovery, we have compiled a comprehensive A-Z.
  • Some people begin taking prescription opioids to manage pain after a surgery or injury, and some people begin taking them to manage chronic pain.
  • These organizations also host conferences and seminars that provide a platform for networking, sharing best practices, and discussing the latest trends and challenges in addiction treatment.
  • An alcohol- and drug-free living facility for individuals recovering from alcohol or other drug use disorders that often serves as an interim living environment between detoxification experiences or residential treatment and mainstream society.

On the other hand, certifications may vary from high school diplomas to master’s degrees (depending on the certifying body) and typically require passing an exam. While licensure is essential for independent practice, certification enhances credibility and demonstrates expertise within the field. Both are crucial in establishing a professional’s ability to provide effective addiction treatment and recovery services​. In exploring this Sober House evolution, it is important to have open discussions with potential treaters, treatment programs, recovery coaches, life coaches, loved ones, and self-help group members and ask questions. Find out where they stand in terms of the rigidity of the program over time. Structure and consistency are crucial in early sobriety, but as you begin to feel a sense of stability, you may want to be supported by others who are understanding.

addiction recovery terms

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